Today we worked in the garden. While Tim weeded the elderberry bushes and tried to figure out if the other gigantic bush was a weed or something important, the kids and I planted corn in the first two beds of the garden. My seedlings didn't last the potting phase, so I'm hoping that the in-ground will do better. I'm still trying to harden off the tomatoes in the hopes that I still might get some viable plants. I'm down to about 10 or so. Grrr! Weather permitting this week, in the afternoons I'd like to work more beds, maybe get the squash and peas into the ground and get some lettuce started. Next year I'm getting one of those calenders that tells you when to plant everything so I don't fall behind again. Oh, and I confirmed the gigantic bush(s) was/were the raspberry bush(s) later by finding pictures of the leaves online.
If ever there was a place for quirky things to be said, or punny ideas, this could be the place.
Monday, May 25, 2009
First Fruit
Today we worked in the garden. While Tim weeded the elderberry bushes and tried to figure out if the other gigantic bush was a weed or something important, the kids and I planted corn in the first two beds of the garden. My seedlings didn't last the potting phase, so I'm hoping that the in-ground will do better. I'm still trying to harden off the tomatoes in the hopes that I still might get some viable plants. I'm down to about 10 or so. Grrr! Weather permitting this week, in the afternoons I'd like to work more beds, maybe get the squash and peas into the ground and get some lettuce started. Next year I'm getting one of those calenders that tells you when to plant everything so I don't fall behind again. Oh, and I confirmed the gigantic bush(s) was/were the raspberry bush(s) later by finding pictures of the leaves online.
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Twice baked cheesy 'taters
We had power problems at church on Sunday (something about a blown fuse and a three-phase something that had 1/3 of the building's power down). We finished Sacrament, but they cancelled the remaining meetings for the rest of the day. No Relief Society, no Primary, nothing. I went home feeling a little bummed because I had really practiced the hymns for RS. Any way, Tim had stayed home instead of going with us because he had worked the night before and was working that evening. We got home and put the kids down for a nap as well, and then I got to work. Most of the laundry was done, the dishes were done, and Audie helped me make bread and rolls for dinner. Our menu consisted of pan-fried chicken, rolls, mixed veggies, and twice baked cheesy 'taters. Audie helped me with those, too.
First, we scrubbed one 'tater for each person at dinner and baked them in the oven until they were soft all the way through. Then, we cut the tops off of them (save these for later) and scooped out the inside, leaving no more than 1/4" on the skin. We added (for 5 'taters) 1 cup of sour cream, salt and pepper to taste, 1/2 tsp. each garlic and onion powder, and 1 cup of cheddar cheese. We then mashed everything together until it resembled slightly lumpy mashed 'taters. Last, we filled the empty skins and a little more so it mounded over the top with the cheesy innards and sprinkled with oregano, salt, pepper, cheese, and paprika. Then we baked it in the oven at 350 for about 20 minutes or until the cheese on top was melted and slightly browned.
The lids we cut off of the 'taters we spread with butter and seasoned with salt, pepper, paprika, onion and garlic powder, and cheese and baked on the same pan as the 'taters until they were melty and brown as well. Mmmm, tasty!
If you're wondering about the plate... I picked that pattern out at the outlet store when I was very young. 2 or 3 maybe? My parents had been using that set for over 20 years before they decided to get a blank white set from the same company/store. Guess who got the old ones? :-) I still like the flowers and butterflies!
Monday, May 11, 2009
Just because...
This was his something for me. How sweet!!! Everyone wanted a sniff, though Dougie's idea of a sniff is more like a short snort. Cute nonetheless. I tell you, I am one lucky lady!
Mommy!!! Come look at the Hawk!
"Mommy!!! Come look at the hawk!" comes the chorus from my children. What hawk? In the garden on the fence...
Monday, May 04, 2009
Tim's Camaro... and a suprise!
So why was I sneaky? Well, he said he hadn't had a birthday party in quite some time. I'm not sure how long, but I decided that if I didn't do it as a surprise, it wouldn't happen. I asked our friends and family if they'd be interested, and most said yes. They all knew not to tell Tim. The only inkling that anything was up was when I talked to Steve and Hannah at Hannah's birthday party. The only thing I told him was that Steve and Co. were coming to dinner on Saturday, which was the truth, but not the whole truth.
I got off of work early on Friday and got hamburger, hot dogs, chips, etc. for the party and hid it all in the kitchen where he usually doesn't look. He knew I was working on his birthday cake that night, but because he was on night shift, he didn't know what it looked like or what else I accomplished while he was away (potato salad, cantaloupe, and other prep work).
I let him sleep and gave the kids a bath in the morning. While they were getting cleaned up, I worked more on cleaning out the garage. We went to two birthday parties that morning/afternoon and put everyone (but me) down for a nap. While everyone was asleep, I made hamburgers and swept out the garage. As I was sweeping, I heard the garage door open... I thought one of the kids was up... it was Tim!
After a bout of rather poignant questioning, he tells me that one of my guests was lost on the way to the house and had called Tim's phone for directions. I was THAT close!!! 15 more minutes, and it would have gone flawlessly! So since he was up, he helped me finish setting up.
Here is the cake I was up until 2am working on. The humidity caused a little problem with the fondant, and it looked like the bumpers fell off, but he liked it (his favorite Mounds cake recipe).
Over all we had a good time talking and laughing while everyone munched on hamburgers, hot dogs, home-made potato salad, chips, soda, Kool-aid, and cake. Some of the kids in attendance got a little muddy playing in a stream they found running under the rocks. Someone proudly brought us a crawdad (yikes!) and Audie's finger got smashed under a rock. Luckily it's not broken, but enter panicked mommy mode (PMM) - I still insisted on a blessing the following day at church. I'm not taking any chances!
Family Home Evening
This is our family home evening from last week. Seeing as the topic during Sacrament was Zion, we decided to carry over the theme for our activities. The center picture is the destruction of Babylon, while the pictures around the outside are Enoch and his people in Zion. We talked about why Babylon was destroyed, why Zion was taken into heaven, and the differences between the two. We then went down an impromptu list of activities and asked which city they belonged in. For example, fighting amongst ourselves belonged to Babylon; being kind to one another belonged to Zion; following the Lord's commandments belonged in Zion; and drinking alcohol and smoking belonged in Babylon. The kids understood that by doing the right things, they could live in "Zion" and not be in "Babylon" when it is destroyed. Everyone then got to color their own picture of Zion. Counter-clockwise from the top left is Tim, Audie, Chloie, Dougie, and me.
You won't belive what we found in the garden!
On day two, my munchkins helped me plant the green beans in the bed by the compost, and we decided to clear out some leaves and brush that had accumulated along the fence. As I'm moving the leaves, I see a scurry of red...
Um... I really hope that was not a spider. It looked awful big. One deep breath later, I still see a hint of red, so I dig it up, move the leaves, and smile...
Would you believe I even picked it up? I think it was a little scared because all of a sudden my hand was wet... Praise the Lord and pass the sanitizer! We put him on the rocks behind the house where the rain water trickles down the mountain before we went inside for the night.