Wednesday, March 02, 2011

Ow, Ow, OW!!!

It started innocently enough, a twinge here and there, usually after standing too long at the counter making cake. Then it increased ever so slightly, finding relief in the form of a chiropractic crunching. A twisting adjustment here, a back rub there, maybe a soak in a nice hot bath of Epsom salt.

Now it just hurts.

The jerkiness of my movements coupled with the stiffness and waddling is almost comical. I've even included Tylenol in my regular diet because two of the uses include "muscular aches" and "backache" and switched my chair at work back to the ergonomic thing. Tim has crunched me more times in the last 3 days than I care to admit, and yet all of these attempts are only temporary.

I now understand how my mother feels on a daily basis. The inability to reach low objects, pick up things from the floor, get off of the couch, etc. is almost as painful as the pain in my back. When you "over do" it just by "doing". Ouch!

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