Friday, February 04, 2011

What to do with a JERK

You've all met one...

They know the correct process to use to get a task done. They even know why things are done that way, and why that specific information is important. They know the form to fill out that contains that information. You've even had this conversation before explaining all of this and that they are to follow the process.

And then you get an email throwing all that out the window.

Because they're too important to follow the process. Because they "don't have time" to fill out the form. Because they "don't have the form" (even though you've sent it to them multiple times). Because they would rather argue back and forth through email instead of filling out the form.

Wouldn't it just be easier to fill out the form the first time? It infuriates me how this particular individual feels it is appropriate to disregard the way we do things, even feeling the need to throw out the big names because he thinks that it should scare me into allowing it.

Am I missing something? Is this "OK"?

*steps down from the soap box*

Thanks for that... I needed to let off a little steam.

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