Fish has been sick. I cleaned Fish's tank Monday evening in the hopes that the little guy would perk up. He seemed to just breathe at the bottom of his tank. Eventually we couldn't even get him to go up and eat. Audie's had him almost a year, and Betas usually only live to be 2 or so. Tuesday morning I awoke to find him lifeless on the bottom of his tank. No moving gills, no moving fins. I was heartbroken that Audie should lose his pet. I quickly sent Fish to his watery grave and cleaned the tank to put away before Audie woke up. Our discussion was brief... he is Jesus' fish until he gets there to get him back. I promised we'd get a new fish this weekend, and maybe we can get a different fish so that his brother and sister can have a fish as well. For now, Fish, you will be missed.

Something else happened Monday night; the house 2 doors down from us caught fire. The fire trucks were there all night, and there is not much left of the house or their trailblazer (sitting in close proximity), but as far as we know, no one was hurt. We're still not entirely sure what happened. The firemen were very appreciative of the hot chocolate and warm bagels we took over the next morning on our way to school and work. Our prayers are with the family as they recover.
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