Yesterday morning, as I was coming up to the top of the mountain, I saw something streak past in the dark of my peripheral vision. Then BAM! it hit my windshield and clung for dear life to my wiper blade, wings flapping in the wind. You'd be proud of me, I didn't scream or anything, but then I realized that the furry and winged creature attached to my vehicle was indeed a bat. I tried to run the wipers to get it off, but it hung on. It even hunkered down out of the wind as I drove. I felt so bad for it, but it finally died and let go, and I was able to run the wipers to get it off of the car. Wow. O.o
The sad part is, sleeping bats are cute. Really! We cleaned our weapons every Friday in the Army, and there was a commotion at the arms room one day. Hanging from the steel-barred door of the arms room was a sleeping bat. It was so cute. They told us to silently get our weapons and go clean while they waited for animal control to come get it. Hopefully it was a catch and release!
The sad part is, sleeping bats are cute. Really! We cleaned our weapons every Friday in the Army, and there was a commotion at the arms room one day. Hanging from the steel-barred door of the arms room was a sleeping bat. It was so cute. They told us to silently get our weapons and go clean while they waited for animal control to come get it. Hopefully it was a catch and release!

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