Monday, August 16, 2010

Could this really constitute a failed experiment?


I've learned that Blogger + IPhone (Safari) + Erin's PC illiteracy = no posting during trip to Knoxville, TN.

I really tried on Friday, I promise! I could enter a title and tags at the bottom of the "New Post" screen, but I couldn't type anything in the body. Go figure. In any case, here's the events of the weekend:

Hubby and I drove to Knoxville, making good time, and arriving around 5pm. We checked into our hotel and started plans for the evening. Days.Inn was nice. We got the jacuzzi suite. You do the math! Our only issue was that it was so close to the airport that we could hear the planes over our heads at random intervals. Yay.

We decided to go play some mini-golf to settle once and for all that I do whoop his behind at it, but the rain had other plans. We decided instead to have dinner at Fudd.ruckers (tasty!) and watch The Exp.endables. The GPS on his phone led us all over the place trying to find the one theater so we missed that show time. We ended up looking for another one in the area and finally had to stop and ask for directions because the GPS was kooky on that one, too. Over all good movie! I especially liked the scene with Arnold and the use of the full auto shotgun.

The next morning, we met my ex and got the kiddos back. I'm insanely jealous of their tans. We had breakfast at I.HOP and started on our way back. We made good time again and stopped in Winchester at about 7 for dinner at Ch.ick-fil-A.

When we got home and unloaded the car, we decided to try out our new Net.flix subscription. I've decided I like the insta-que. The kiddos talked us into watching Home Alone 2. I remember the stunts being more funny when I was a kid... which explains why Tim and the kiddos laughed so hard. Am I getting old?

Wait, don't answer that.

Sunday we went to church *on time*, would you believe it? While Tim was in his meeting, I actually had time to enter the VT contacts I'd received reports on so far. Yay!

We spent a few hours at my parents' house so that they could see the munchkins and had Paninis for lunch. Mmmmm! After getting home and a short nap, my little helpers and I picked elderberries and cleaned them for making jam tonight after FHE. I've decided to give a jar of the finished jam to our missionaries because it is "Elder"berry jam... hahahaha! Sorry, I couldn't pass that up. I'll be sure to post pics of the jamming in a later post.

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