Is the color of the icing right?
Why did the fondant crack?
How will I transport it?
To stack or not to stack for movement?
To stack or not to stack for movement?
How do I fix the air bubble?
Did I bring enough icing?
Where will I put the cake until I'm done with it?
I need how much more fondant?
Do I have enough (butter, flour, sugar, milk, vanilla, chocolate, marshmallow cream, ...)?
You get the idea.
In response to these and other *fun* cake-related situations, I instituted the bubble bath. At the end of a cake run, I get to lock myself in the bathroom with a cold glass of sparkling raspberry juice, a good book, and a tub of almost too hot water and bubbles in which to soak. Que the scented candles and incense. Do not knock on the door, because I promise you that I won't answer. Then again I usually wait until the kiddos are in bed and Tim is playing his game. He understands this ritual and knows not to disturb the bubbles.
You get the idea.
In response to these and other *fun* cake-related situations, I instituted the bubble bath. At the end of a cake run, I get to lock myself in the bathroom with a cold glass of sparkling raspberry juice, a good book, and a tub of almost too hot water and bubbles in which to soak. Que the scented candles and incense. Do not knock on the door, because I promise you that I won't answer. Then again I usually wait until the kiddos are in bed and Tim is playing his game. He understands this ritual and knows not to disturb the bubbles.
One a side note, I delivered the Young Women's cake last night (the last in this particular cake run). I humbly submit for your viewing pleasure the cake... 

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