I know, it's just a vehicle, but I like my Trailblazer.
We dropped it off after I delivered a cake to my SIL in Winchester. I tried calling Tim to have him meet me at the shop, but I couldn't get through to his phone. We are SO getting him a new phone soon. His is one of the original iPhones (not the 3GS). We could be sitting side by side... I'll have 5 bars and no issues, he is "searching". Sure, try to call him. It'll ring and go to voicemail without even registering on his phone. And he'll be sitting right next to you.
Deep breath. Calm down, Erin.
Sorry, I get a little worked up about his phone. Anyway, we ate lunch at China City Buffet and went grocery shopping at Martin's. I spent the evening making cakes for our Stake Presidency for Ward Conference on Sunday. The, ahem, "cake fairy" left them each a Triple-C for them to take home, as is the tradition 3 years running now. I love the looks on their faces when they realize what is in the box. Even better, I got to hear the bishop and President Grow speak. I love listening to them.
In singing time, the junior primary kiddos got to divide into teams and compete to see which side sang better. The teachers sat in the middle and were our judges. At the end, they all did so well that it was a tie (the intent anyway!) so everyone got a mini cupcake. In senior primary, we worked on note names. I'm reminded of a poem that helped me learn them...
A, B, C, D, E, F, GMusic letters stop at G.
If you want to name a space,
just remember they spell "FACE"
If you want to name a line,
just remember, "Every Good Boy Does Fine"
And you thought you wouldn't learn anything new today! They had a lot of fun with it. We worked on the song for January and practiced our conducting. I'm worried about one of the boys in senior primary, however, because he helps his mother in nursery. I'm sure that he's serving valiantly, but he is missing out on the lessons in his classes, in sharing time, and singing time with me. I worry that he is missing out on a "spiritual recharge" that I've seen from experience attending class. I feel it, too, because I haven't been able to attend Relief Society because of my calling. I miss the contact with other sisters, hearing their experiences and testimonies, and understanding the Gospel through their involvement in the lessons. Maybe I'll get lucky. We're handing out new visiting teaching routes at the VT Conference this Sunday, and my new visiting teachers might come see me and fill that void.
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