Chloie woke up Friday with the same thing. We kept her home, did a little grocery shopping later that afternoon when most of it had worked out of her system, and babied her as well. I figured that Audie would be next on Sunday.
Man-o-man, I hate it when I'm right. Audie woke up on Sunday feeling icky so Tim talked me into letting him keep Audie at home. Good thing, too, because he ended up getting sick at about the time we were in Primary.
The bad thing is that I started feeling bad at about the same time. I was roasting in the primary room (thanks to the sun on our backs) and just out of it. I'm trying to teach the kiddos the second verse of 'If I Listen With My Heart' and losing my place. The kiddos liked using the squirt bottle filled with koolade to help their singing voices. I was able to use that to help me feel "better" so the kiddos didn't know I wasn't feeling well. I couldn't focus. I think I worried the teachers, but thankfully class was over sooner than later. I got a drink of water, took a quick pit stop, and stood outside for a minute or two to cool off and felt a lot better for the senior primary class. Especially after we opened the windows a little bit.
In senior primary we worked again on conducting in 4-4 and about the up-beat. I also selected two "guest conductors" to help me for the last two run-throughs of the song. They're doing very well. I think we might have gotten a little carried away towards the end, but they had fun, but I'm grateful that they're willing to learn. I even had one of the kiddos ask me for help afterwards because he'd missed the week before. I spent a couple minutes working with Jacob, who has graciously agreed to learn 'Praise To the Man' for the program, helping him with the rhythms and notes of the right hand. He's doing well. I've also decided to print off the music so that the senior primary can learn to read the music as we sing it in preparation for Young Men and Young Women. I'm confident that they will grasp it with the same enthusiasm as they have everything else. This week we'll be learning notes (whole, half, quarter, eighth, and sixteenth).
Back to the bug...
I managed to get Dougie and Chloie to my parents' house where Tim and Audie (feeling better) met us. We had Mom's breaded chicken dipped in the Honey Chicken sauce from our home-made recipe to dip it in. We agree that we like it better with the battered/fried chicken, but this was still a tasty alternative. We even tried the white chocolate raspberry cheese cake the kiddos and I made Saturday night. It tasted good, but I've decided to make a few adjustments to the recipe. I couldn't even eat a piece until after Tim drove us home and I spent 5 more hours getting over the nausea (we left his car there since I didn't feel up to driving).
I thought I was doing better last night. I was able to eat the spaghetti Tim made for dinner while he babied me, and I even got to eat my slice of cheese cake while we watched Golden Eye (skipping over the not-so-kid-friendly parts). I went to bed feeling like I was over it, but woke up this morning feeling not so nice. I didn't want to stay at home so I headed in to work, but I couldn't stomach the toast I made for breakfast. Maybe a little ginger ale and lunch will help.
Oh, one final thought...
The kiddos got to don their Sous Chef shirts to help me Saturday night making the cheese cake. Here are the pictures of their new "uniforms". They get to wear them when the help me in the kitchen from now on. :)

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